MILC Philosophy

Our Vision Statement, Mission Statement and Goals

Our Vission Statement

– Our vision is that every student, regardless of academic ability, enjoys high quality education that enables them to ultimately participate and contribute socially, environmentally and economically to our community.
– The School has identified a need in the community for children who require increased individual attention.
– Such children may have been previously unsuccessful in mainstream schools, had challenges concentrating in oversized classrooms or may have been diagnosed with learning difficulties.
– Parents of such children may have resorted to home-schooling cottage schools or a special needs institution.
– Through innovation, we have merged the foundations of these kinds of schools, creating an unstoppable learning environment for all children; where no child is left behind, feeling inadequate and lonely.
– We provide the small classes and one-on-one attention, with the option of specific curriculum for special needs, if necessary.
– Our teachers are equipped to look for any signs and symptoms of

We believe in all children and provide each child, all possible tools in order for them to succeed. Every student is highly valued and expected to achieve their full potential, armed with new tools to conquer academic, social and environmental challenges.

Our Mission Statement

– The School’s mission is to provide innovative and sustainable educational services to the community.
– We believe employing this approach will contribute positively to the social, environmental and economic challenges that the country and the world are facing.
– The School community supports all children with an array of different needs.
– The School’s goal is to approach old academic challenges with new innovative solutions suited for every child’s individual needs and success.
– Furthermore, we challenge our students to reach their full potential and ultimately celebrate in their successes.
– Where conventional solutions have left students behind, The School allows students to grow at their own pace, using individual attention in small classes as a huge benefit to the students.
– The commitment to employing innovative solutions through the integration of technology and creativity, we have found a unique and effective way of reaching and teaching students.

Our Goals

– We at MILC, aims to provide our learners with latest innovative, comfortable, democratic school culture and enjoyable learning platform.
– Understanding our learner’s social environment, personalities, learning capabilities, educational challenges and passions are our focus points to start our educational journey with each learner.
– Partnering with specialised educational service providers in Mathematics, Science, Robotics, Creative Art, Music, Speech and Drama, Dancing and singing maximises the enjoyment of learning through thinking out of the box, being oneself and improved learner’s results.

At MILC, learning is innovative, exciting, stimulating and passion driven!

Sounds like a school your child/ren would benefit from?